Tips How to Keep Playtime Safe

Active playtime is essential for your child’s growth and development. Engaging in active play
helps kids improve their motor skills, coordination, balance, and strengthens their muscles and
bones. By allowing them to do physical and rigorous activities at a young age, you are guiding
your kids towards their journey of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
While the active play is important, it’s also significant that we, as parents, must be present to
supervise and take the necessary preventive measures to ensure that our children are safe and
well. Whether you’re taking them out to the playground at the park, letting them join organized
sports, or simply tackling a few rigorous activities at home, here are some tips that you can
follow to keep playtime safe.

  1. Always have active supervision
    You know your child best. Always be present, put your phone down, and never peel your eyes off your children especially when you’re bringing them to an outdoor playground.
  2. No sharp and little parts
    Choose age-appropriate toys that are free from choking hazards. Before giving toys to your
    children, check out if the toy has any protruding parts that could potentially harm them. On the same note, make sure to organize your children’s toys and put them away in designated spaces when they’re not being used.
    For example, geometric-shaped toys are generally harmless, but these could easily hurt when your child trips over them or uses them improperly.
  3. Never leave your kids alone by the water
    Make sure that you or a trusted guardian is by their side whenever your kids go for a dip in any body of water. These include kiddie/inflatable pools, swimming pools, beaches, and the like. Keep in mind that above everything else, you should always be your child’s main lifeguard.
  4. Let them wear protective gear
    Going out for a quick bike ride? Make your kids wear helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads when ride-on toys such as kiddie bikes, scooters, skates, and skateboards. This is especially important if your kid is playing outdoors.
  5. Do a quick scan of their play area
    Whether you’re keeping your kids in their playroom in your home or letting them have fun in an outdoor playground, make it a habit to do a quick scan of the area where your children will play. Check for sharp and small objects and see if playground equipment are free from rust and is well-maintained.

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