How to Heal a Bruise Faster at Home

In today’s fast-paced environment where we are constantly on the go, it’s inevitable to bump
onto something and cause bruises to develop. Bruises are fairly common no matter what stage
we currently are in life; they can be easily acquired from playing sports, bumping onto hard
surfaces around the house, or simply being clumsy. This is because bruises form when tiny
blood vessels break — the blood gets trapped underneath our skin because they have nowhere
to go.

Once you get bruised, you will have a blue, gray, or purple-ish patch on the skin while your body
heals. Bruises can last up to two weeks and can feel tender to the touch. In some cases, they
can be accompanied by pain and swelling.

The treatment of bruises can be challenging as they occur beneath the layer of our skin.
However, there are some tips that you can do to speed up their healing process and minimize
their visibility from the onset of the injury. Keep reading to learn more about these tips.

Apply ice therapy
Applying an ice pack to your bruise from the moment of injury can help reduce its size and
allow the bruise to heal faster. This is because the cold temperature of the ice improves blood
flow in the affected area, thus decreasing the amount of blood that leaks from the tiny blood
vessels that broke. Putting a cold pack on the fresh bruise can also prevent severe discoloration
of the skin.

Use Hirudoid
Hirudoid is a cream that has been clinically proven* to help heal bruises faster by speeding up
their healing process. Hirudoid contains Mucopolysaccharide polysulphate (MPS), which is
similar to the naturally occurring MPS layer in the dermis layer of our skin. The presence of MPS
helps improve blood flow to the affected area, reduces inflammation and swelling, and
accelerates the absorption of bruises.

You can use Hirudoid by applying the cream to the affected area twice a day and massaging it
gently until absorbed. It’s best to use Hirudoid as soon as the bruise has formed.

Elevate your injury
By elevating the bruised area above the level of your heart, you can use the trick of gravity to
minimize the size of the bruise and relieve pain and swelling. When the bruised area is below
the level of your heart, blood pools faster in the affected spot, making the bruise larger. But
when it’s above the level of your heart, blood can flow back more easily to your heart.

When you sustain an injury, stop whatever you’re doing and take a moment to rest and inspect
your bruise. Continuous activity involving the affected area can worsen your bruise and hinder
slowing down its healing time.

Use compression
Applying compression to your injury can help alleviate pain and inflammation by putting
pressure on the affected area, which prevents broken blood vessels from leaking more blood.
Use an elastic bandage and wrap it around your injury. Wrap it firmly without being too tight.
Bruises normally fade after 7-10 days. If your bruises persist after two weeks or if they’re
accompanied by severe inflammation and pain, consult a doctor immediately and seek urgent
care to get proper treatment.


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