Lose the Bruise

Continue living an active & healthy lifestyle without worrying about bruises with Hirudoid! Hirudoid is a cream that has been clinically proven to help heal bruises faster by speeding up the healing process of the skin.


Heals bruises 50% faster in 2-3 days

Hirudoid contains Mucopolysaccharide polysulphate (MPS), which is similar to the naturally occurring MPS in the dermis layer of the skin, and improves the healing process in the affected area.

MPS accelerates healing
in the following ways

Improves blood flow
to the area
Accelerates the absorption of bruises
Accelerates the absorption
of bruises
Reduces swelling and inflammation
Reduces swelling
and inflammation
Promotes tissue regeneration
Promotes tissue regeneration
by increasing collagen and
elastin fibres in the connective tissue matrix
Improves moisturising capacity
Improves moisturising capacity
of the skin by increasing
the hyaluronic acid content

Uses of Hirudoid

Hematoma & Bruises
Hematoma &
Spider Veins &
Varicose Veins
Superficial Thrombophlebitis
Inflammation & Swelling
Inflammation &


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Anatomy of a Bruise

Anatomy of a Bruise

We all get bruises from time to time. They form when tiny blood vessels break under our skin, which is usually caused by a minor injury from falling or bumping into something. Without having anywhere to go,…